As much as I love the 2nd season of "Atlanta", I just don't think Earn as a continued developing character. He's just the same confused guy that is looked down upon by almost everybody. But then I suppose this is also about the city Atlanta, which I'm now completely in love with.
Cinefan forever Godard DCP 68$ M+ 港譯:中國女 同場加映《舔女人逼逼》(《各种姿势玩小处雏女》選段) Trilogy of the politics. 讚頌毛之歌笑死果然搞笑就是要重複自從狂人皮埃羅後亂用BGM惡習越來越猖狂了啊 薩特(主流存在主義)無望就改信毛主席尋求鮮艷的紅去泯滅對紅白藍的喪失感某程度上對那年紀學生來說這種運動可能只是另一種自我解構、尋根究底那年代法國與美國主流論點都是把red guards跟beat generation相提並論以為不論什麼地方的思想在軀體裡的內在革命和現實的外在革命中能夠得到升華彼此互相輝映過去六十年有多的現在可見其摧毁性與自相矛盾的結局大大不同